
239 Animal Pun Cartoons

All these cartoons are wild (except for the domesticated ones).

In this pun on rubber chicken, we see a chicken masseuse massaging a chicken client. The massager says, "Well I prefer to be call a massage therapist. But I guess technically I am a..." -- rubber chicken.
Nothing like a good dry rub to make a chicken better!
In this pun on the classic food chicken strips, we see a chicken strip - a serious chicken posing on a pole holding a bikini top. The chicken isn't wearing anything because, of course, chickens never wear clothes.
Not sure why this is on so many kids’ menus. #asininechickenpuns
In this play on training a dog and asking it to shake, we see a man ready to shake a dog's hand, but the dog has its arms outstretched and says, "Actually, I'm more of a hugger."
An important scenario to be aware of it you're teaching your dog to shake
In this pun on the basketball (I think?) term "Technical foul," we see a technical fowl, i.e. a fowl - in this case, a chicken- who is very technical. In fact, it uses a computer and notes that using Java instead of Python may render HTML faster.
I would learn to code, but I'm too chicken.
In this pun on armadillos and Zillow, we see Armazillow, a website for armadillos to find cool new burrows to move into.
It’s a little known fact that most armadillos are actually renters.
In this pun on spread eagle, we see the spread eagle, a bald eagle holding a tray with an assortment of spreads.
Now we just need the Chips Hawk.
In this comparison cartoon, we see a fiddler crab (those crabs with one big claw) next to a violinist crab - a classy bow-tie-wearing crab holding a violin saying, "Well, when I was at Julliard..."
Crustaceans, explained
In this pun on duck-billed platypus, we see a duck billing a platypus. The duck says, "Unfortunately, I do not accept your insurance. That'll be $853."
Coincidentally, ducks are the only medical providers that do accept my insurance.
In this pun on baseball bat, we see a bat (the nocturnal animal) playing baseball.
This is all my sports knowledge.
In this pun on the running of the bulls, we see two bulls running for office, standing on a podium waving in front of two signs, one that says "Apollo/Ferdinand 2022" and "Steer us in the right direction"
Contrary to popular belief, locals really don't like this.