
239 Animal Pun Cartoons

All these cartoons are wild (except for the domesticated ones).

In this accounting pun, an accountant sheep reads a child a bedtime story from the 2021 accounting ledger. The sheep is in the middle of a thrilling tale, as she reads "But the transaction wasn't an asset... it was a liability!"
My favorite bedtime story is Goldilocks and the Three Balance Sheets.
Two dogs give each other a fist bump.
For when "shake" is too formal
In this pun on papal bull, a bull is dressed as the pope.
Holy cow!
One beaver asks another beaver, who is building a dam, "Hey! Can I have that?"
But if you join the beaver's patreon, he WILL give you exclusive behind-the-scenes videos of how to pick out the perfect stick.
A bobcat, next to a cat with a bob hairdo.
I learned a valuable lesson from this drawing: that cats would look much more fashionable if they just wore wigs.
In this pun on Edgar Degas, we see his painting Green Dancer, but all the ballerinas are dogs.
They are probably warming up for a performance of "The Muttcracker."
In this pun on Andy Warhol, we see his iconic multicolored Marilyn Monroes, but instead of Marilyn, we see a warthog.
"Everyone gets to hog the spotlight for 15 minutes!" - Andy Warthog
In this pun on Vincent Van Gogh, we see his self portrait, but instead of being a man, he is a goat (with one ear, of course).
Vincent Van Goat probably ate his ear after he cut it off.
In this pun on Frida Kahlo, we see her painting "Two Fridas," but each Frida is, of course, a duck.
I wish more ducks had unibrows.
In this pun on Pablo Picasso, we see his painting "The Dream," but the woman is a pig.
Forget pearls before swine, just put the pearls on the swine.