
236 Animal Pun Cartoons

All these cartoons are wild (except for the domesticated ones).

In this pun on the fish the red snapper, we see a red snapper fish with human arms who is, of course, snapping his fingers.
Some people prefer their fish fried or steamed. I prefer mine with an innate mastery of body percussion.
In this pun on posthumous publication, we see Emily Dickinson sitting at her publisher's desk. Her publisher is a possum, which is why she is being published possumously.
Even if it's a book deal offered by a possum, it's still a book deal!
In this pun on thoroughbred horse, we see a thorough bread horse, which is a horse who has a very thorough knowledge and collection of breads.
I would bet on this horse (to explain the difference between brioche and challah).
In this asinine chicken pun based on the Renaissance, we see the Henaissance, which is just two chickens dressed in Renaissance attire.
While the Renaissance was intellectually based on Humanism, the Henaissance was, of course, based on Chickenism. #asininechickenpuns
In this pun on the idea that pigeons are the rats of the sky, we see the gym rats of the sky - two pigeons getting swole using fitness equipment.
A great way to burn those calories from that bagel you ate off the street that was twice your body weight!
Two biologist peer through the bush at an animal in its natural habitat - the wild bore, a boring guy who entraps animals with his mundane stories.
This was my favorite character in The Lion King (the guy who retells every episode of Succession in excruciating detail to Simba).
In this play on the reality show Kitchen Nightmares, a kitten dreams that Gordon Ramsay is calling his cat food disgusting, foul, and inedible.
If you watch too many episodes of Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay haunts your dreams. This is not helpful if you are a creature who is constantly napping.
In this accounting pun, an accountant sheep reads a child a bedtime story from the 2021 accounting ledger. The sheep is in the middle of a thrilling tale, as she reads "But the transaction wasn't an asset... it was a liability!"
My favorite bedtime story is Goldilocks and the Three Balance Sheets.
Two dogs give each other a fist bump.
For when "shake" is too formal
In this pun on papal bull, a bull is dressed as the pope.
Holy cow!