
239 Animal Pun Cartoons

All these cartoons are wild (except for the domesticated ones).

A camp counselor tells a scary story to campers around a fire, but it's not about ghosts. It's about goats.
Do you believe in goats?
In this pun about Jeopardy legend Ken Jennings, we see Chicken Jennings, who is answering Alex Trebek's question with "What is bok bok bok?"
This is the answer to most questions in Chicken Jeopardy. #asininechickenpuns
In this pun on Chick Lit, we see 6 classics of literature rewritten with chicken puns - Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men),Heminway's Old Man and the Sea, Melville's Moby Dick, Burgess' A Clockwork Orange, Faulkner's As I Lay Dying, & Twain's Huckleberry Finn
Celebrating 700 cartoons the only way I know how... with #asininechickenpuns
In this pun on bald eagle, we see an eagle trying on wigs at a wig shop.
In this pun on catapult, we see a catapult that is about to propel a very scared cat into the air.
Don't worry, the cat will land safely on her feet, and probably use them to crawl all over her owner in the middle of the night. #subtlecriesforhelp
Two hippos stand on a college campus - a hippocampus-- at Hippo University. One shares a recent memory, the other, a more distant memory.
Shockingly, I am not a neuroscientist.
Frightened pigeons yell "Coup! Coup!"
A snapshot from (recent) history
Two alligators are such great pals that they share a hug.
Not to be confused with Sweet-Talkodiles
In this pun on the 90's jam band Counting Crows, two crow accountants make calculations about nest eggs.
I've been hangin' around/this H&R Block on the corner
In this pun on a line from Sir Mix-a-Lots hit song "Baby Got Back," an anaconda attends a cook out. When the chef says he is out of buns and they just have patties, the snake declines food.
And thus concludes 2020.