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In this pun on the word dromedary, we see a regular one-humped camel next to a drama-dary, which is obviously a camel that stirs up drama.
Camels, explained
In this pun on the sunbelt, we see someone literally living in the sun's utility belt. It doesn't seem like that great of a deal.
However, living in a belt is way cheaper than living in an actual apartment.
In this pun of someone kicking someone else out by "giving them the boot," we see someone literally giving another person a boot.
Receiving a smelly shoe is way scarier than getting kicked out!
In this pun of "show you the ropes," we have a college professor at a whiteboard with different types of ropes labeled on them. He's going to show these kids the ropes.
Forget string theory, college should teach rope theory!
In this pun on sleeping bag, we see a sleeping backpack.
Don't worry, it's a short snooze - he's just a nap sack.
In this pun on traffic jam, we see standstill car traffic, with the drivers standing atop their vehicles jamming out on their instruments. We can only pray they're not playing Phish.
Whether you're playing Dispatch or Phish, it's always a pleasure to play with fellow drivers in bumper-to-bumper traffic!
In this pun on the phrase "helicopter mom," we see a kid whose mom is actually just a helicopter.
The mom’s hobby is martial arts, which of course makes her a karate chopper.
In this play on having a crick in your neck, a doctor examines a patient's neck and sees that indeed she has a little crick, that is, if you are saying "creek" in a southern accent. The creek on the patient's back has a kayaker and a swimmer in it.
On a related note, I have a little crick in my neck (no sign of kayakers yet).
In this pun on the courtroom phrase "The defense rests," we see a lawyer addressing a judge, pointing to a sleeping person at the defense table. Of course, in this scenario, the defense rests (and peacefully, at that).
If only we could all be so lucky
In this pun on secret service, we see what looks like a secret agent acting as a waiter but making the customers promise not to tell.
Most jobs would be more fun if they had a secret element to them