
All Cartoons

In this comparison cartoon, we see a cactus, a cattus (a cactus standing like a cactus), and a quacktus (a duck standing with its arms in the shape of a cactus).
I think if there were AI built to predict my subject matter that spurted out “sort of close but slightly off” cartoon ideas, this would be its greatest hit.
In this pun on astronaut, we see an asstronaut, a space traveler who is an ass (as in a donkey, not a dope).
In celebration of today’s SpaceX launch and also of lowbrow humor
In this pun on dry spell, we see a witch in front of her caldron making a potion of very dry ingredients (sand, salt, sawdust, chalk, flour, dirt), presumably to make a dry spell.
After you mix your dry spell, gently fold it into your wet spell. #quarantinebaking
In this pun on cilantro and robot, we see the cilantrobot, a robot that is beloved by some and tastes soapy to others.
I hate when there is a hostile robot takeover and it leaves a soapy aftertaste.
In this pun on Shakespeare play, Hamlet Prince of Denmark, we see Hamlet, custodian of Denmark, holding a push broom and musing, "To sweep, perchance to clean - ay, there's the scrub."
To bleach or not to bleach: that is the question.
In this pun on the fairy tale The Frog Prince, we see the Frog Princeton graduate, a didactic frog telling a princess (who clearly finds him off-putting): "If you kiss me, I'll tell you about my thesis on Southern gothic literature!"
A classic fairy tale!
In this pun on the processed meat delicacy the hot dog, we see a hot dog, which is just a winking poodle, who is presumably very hot (in an attractive way) (but only to other dogs).
Sorry for this.
In this pun on the cutesy handwriting style of bubble letters, we see three soap bubble writing letters. One writes: "Dear mom, I am so soap today. How are you?" Another writes: "Ted, I hope you haven't popped."
To all the first graders who have asked me how to write bubble letters, I say include a lot of descriptions about being spherical and soapy.
In this pun on the great deep-fried fair food, funnel cake, we see a woman eating cake through a funnel.
This is how/what I eat now. (Who am I kidding? This is how/what I’ve always eaten.)
In this pun on Ayn Rand's book Atlas Shrugged, we see an atlas - as in a world map - shrugging.
This is what that book is about, right?