
239 Animal Pun Cartoons

All these cartoons are wild (except for the domesticated ones).

In this pun on the hit Survivor song, "Eye of the Tiger," we see the eye exam of the tiger, which is a tiger at the optometrist in the phoropter reading off the letter chart and not doing too well.
Nothing pumps me up like listening to a giant feline guess which letters are which!
In this pun on the straw that broke the camel's back, we see a camel with a broken back staring at a police lineup. All the culprits are straws, and the camel i.d.s the perp.
One more reason to ban straws
In this pun on shake that ass girl, we see a girl holding a donkey over her head and giving him a shake. He does not look pleased. I don't know why some people find this so attractive.
Shake ya ass, but watch yourself. #nsfw
In this comparison cartoon, we see an angler fish, one of the ocean's most frightening creatures, next to a trianglar fish, which is a pointier and less scary version.
Marine biology, explained
In this play on the fact that it is hard to draw horses, we see a horse struggling to draw a person.
Needless to say, my cover art submission for Misty of Chincoteague was respectfully declined.
In this pun on party fowl, we see some fowl (a pheasant, turkey, and chicken)  at a party, which, because of my life experience, is a children's birthday party.
Well, the first thing I think of when I think of “party” is a 4-year-old birthday party, and if that isn’t a “How My 2018 Was” reflection, I don’t know what is.
In this pun on computer mouse, we see a mouse from the Geek Squad who is clearly not working.
Technical difficulties
In this pun on the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare, we see a tortoise checking out her hair in the mirror.
Forget slow and steady, it’s all about glamour.
In this pun on navy seal, we see a seal who is colored in navy blue.
The most elite ball-balancers
In this pun on camouflage, we see camelflauge, which is of course a camel in cam colors.
Wait, where did that dang camel go?