
69 Food Pun Cartoons

Are your eyes bigger than your stomach? Looking at these cartoons are (mostly) guaranteed not to make your stomach hurt if you look at too many.

In this pun on ingredient rock salt, we see rock salt, i.e. a salt shaker in a cool jacket with an electric guitar that clearly is a rock-n-roll star.
Generally more agreeable than Heavy Metal Salt
In this pun on Leonardo Da Vinci's "The Last Supper," we see "The Lost Supper," Jesus and his apostles sitting at the table with no food. It seems they ordered dinner online and the delivery info must have gotten lost, and everyone is hungry.
The spectrum of the emotions I experience when I’m hungry (sad, very sad, and angrily realizing I could’ve just ordered pizza hours ago and avoided this whole mess)
In this pun on finger food, we see anthropomorphic fingers on a hand enjoying some delicious food.
Of course, the best finger foods are lady fingers and chicken fingers.
In this pun on classic chip dip, Bean dip, we see two dancing beans mid-dip.
A dance move appropriate while dancing to Salsa or Guac-n-Roll
In this pun on BBQ classic, pulled pork, we see a different kind of pulled pork: a pig being pulled quickly by a fast runner. This kind of pulled pork is perfect for vegetarians!
A little known fact: BBQ stands for “Bring Boar Quickly.”
In this pun on pop art, we see a Roy Lichtenstein - esque comic woman looking at a can of cola. She is thinking, "People outside the Midwest call this... soda?!?"
As someone who grew up in the south, I always thought this was called “Coke Art.”
In this pun on corny jokes, we see the corniest one - which is, of course, a joke about corn, which is sad there will be a shortage of corny jokes. It laments, "Aw shucks!"
Some dry humor
In this pun on the phrase, "I'm in a jam!" we see someone literally being jellied in a jar a strawberry preserves.
It's a very sticky situation.
In this pun on the fifth HP book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, we see Harry Potter working at a fast food restaurant taking the complicated order of a customer who is also a phoenix.
Still wondering why Harry left Hogwarts 5th year to do that stint at a fast food restaurant
In this play on the reality show Kitchen Nightmares, a kitten dreams that Gordon Ramsay is calling his cat food disgusting, foul, and inedible.
If you watch too many episodes of Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay haunts your dreams. This is not helpful if you are a creature who is constantly napping.