
21 Movie Pun Cartoons

Looking at these is cheaper than film school!

In this comparison cartoon, we see a trap door next to a Von Trapp door, which is a door wearing clothes made out of curtains singing "Doe a Deer" (from the movie The Sound of Music.)
Beware of doors wearing repurposed curtains!
In this pun on the movie Romancing the Stone, we see a wizard necromancing a stone. Creative liberties were taken here, of course, since necromancing is raising the dead and stones were never alive to begin with. The stone is just floating.
Not sure if the magic of “lifting a rock” counts as “raising the dead.” (NB: if you’re looking for a fun time, read the Wikipedia articles for necromancy and romancing the Stone, a movie I have never seen and whose plot i feel even more shaky on after having read the plot summary.)
In this pun on the movie and book Gone with the Wind, we see a Southern belle asking a dashing gentlemen, "Where did my pile of feathers go?" (They, of course, are gone with the wind.)
Is that what this movie is about?
In this pun on the movie "The Matrix," we see Jack, a man having a crisis, realizing he is in the matrix, although instead of it being an alternate reality, he is in a mathematical matrix, mathematicians' worst nightmare!
I personally think the only thing scarier than learning you’ve been used as a human battery while octopus robots take over the world is being asked to remember how to do matrix multiplication.
In this pun on the movie Monster's Ball, we see two monsters playing basketball.
This week on "Examples of cartoons that don't age well," I present a redraw of a cartoon based on my limited knowledge of the intense 2001 film, Monster's Ball.
In this pun on the golden retriever basketball movie Air Bud, we see Heir bud, which is a young pup prince and his king dog dad, who tell him, "This will all be yours someday."
Can’t wait to stream this on Disney Plus
In this comparison cartoon, we see Star Wars character Jar Jar Binx next to bar/bar jinx, which is just two people saying "Bar" at the same time, with the one who says Jinx first presumably being owed a coke by the other.
I apologize for how asinine this is.
In this pun on the Terminator, we see the Roosterminator, which is just a terminator that is also a rooster.
I’ll be bock bock bock.
In this pun on Nora Ephron's movie Sleepless in Seattle, we see Sheepless in Seattle: Little Bo Peep is on the phone, lamenting to (probably) Tom Hanks, "It's been lonely without them. I mean, no girl should grow up without a herd."
Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks’ second best movie after Ewe’ve Got Mail
In this pun on Stephen Kind's book Pet Semetary,  we see the pet seminary, which is, as you could guess, a seminary for pets.
The scariest part of this movie would be the scene where the cat has a vet appointment during midterm week.