
17 Therapy Pun Cartoons

My insurance only covers looking at these cartoons.

In this pun on Sigmund Freud and schaedenfreud, we see a therapist talking to a patient in psychoanalysis. The patient laments that they dreamed about being in love with their mother, and the therapist laughs to himself and writes "schmuck" in his notes.
My psychoanalytic hero
In this pun on ego psychology, we see eggo psychology, which is a therapist doing therapy with an eggo waffle.
A great therapeutic framework for those who are constantly waffling
In this pun on attachment issues, we have a therapist diagnosing a client with attachment issues. The patient is, of course, attached to a giant squid.
Yes, going to school to be a therapist has driven me to insanity.
In this pun on exposure therapy, we see the back of a man in a trench coat as he exposes himself (don't worry, we don't see anything, and neither does anyone else.) He thinks, "Oh, I feel so much better now!"
I’m supposed to be writing 10 pages on evidence based treatments, but hopefully this will suffice.
A woman sits next to a sign at a restaurant that says "No outside food." The waiter looks at her sternly, because she is holding a bagel, but she says not to worry, it's her emotional support bagel.
Self Portrait
In this pun on speech therapy, we see a copy of the Gettysburg Address - Lincoln's famous speech - talk to his therapist.
Yes, you too could undergo years of training to ask provocative questions to a piece of paper.
In this pun on therapy dog, a dog therapist engages with its client and asks, "Tell me about your pupp.. er... I mean childhood."
Some therapy dogs cuddle, others employ techniques they learned in Freudian analysis institute.