
65 This or That Pun Cartoons

Comparison may be the thief of joy, but it is also the subject of these cartoons.

In this comparison cartoon, we see a tech conference with people revealing new software and hardware, next to a Discoteque conference, where people are dancing under the disco ball.
I just want to go to a conference room and dance to Donna Summer.
In this comparison cartoon, we see a hippogriff next two a hippo grifter, a hippo trying to lure you into his multi-level marketing plan.
A subtle distinction
In this comparison cartoon, we see two Greek gods toasting with the nectar of the gods next to two cod fish toasting with the nectar of the cods.
One confers immortality on all who drink it, the other turns you into a mild-flavored fish.
In this comparison cartoon, we see a mountain goat next to a valley goat (which is a goat that dresses and talks like a valley girl, doy!)
You goat, girl!
In this comparison cartoon, we see a person with botox next to a boat with an ox in it.
Both unnatural phenomena