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Unlike the tale told in Greek mythology, this Jason, aboard his ship the Argos, feels some raindrops, and laments wearing his golden fleece jacket instead of a waterproof coat.
Being ill-prepared for inclement weather is the real Greek tragedy.
A minivan that has vampire teeth.
I vant to suck your gas!
In this pun on papal bull, a bull is dressed as the pope.
Holy cow!
A magic carpet talks to Aladdin, but it turns out, he doesn't fly, he actually just does close-up magic.
I can show you the world, but only if you first pick a card, any card.
Two coffee cups think unfiltered thoughts while saying nice, polite, filtered things to each other.
Don't talk to me before I've had my coffee coach me on how to politely interact with others.
In this pun on the four elements - and in reference to Avatar the Last Airbender - we see the four elements of Jane: Jane Fire, Jane Water, Jane Earth, and Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre
The elements, as explained by Charlotte Bronte
In this pun on sun burn, a guy looks up at the sun and says "You're so bright!" The sun points at him and and quips. "That makes one of us!"
Put some aloe on that sick burn!
Three wine bottles (a pinot noir, a merlot, and a rose) all wear glasses.
They're like beer goggles, but classier.
One beaver asks another beaver, who is building a dam, "Hey! Can I have that?"
But if you join the beaver's patreon, he WILL give you exclusive behind-the-scenes videos of how to pick out the perfect stick.
A bobcat, next to a cat with a bob hairdo.
I learned a valuable lesson from this drawing: that cats would look much more fashionable if they just wore wigs.