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In this pun on the baseball term home run, a house runs.
Thus concludes my knowledge about sports. Now, I just wait for ESPN to offer me a job as a baseball commentator.
In this pun on bureaucrat, a rat does paperwork as his part of bureaucracy.
These are a few of my favorite things! (Paperwork and rats)
In this pun on chemical reactions, a scientist pours baking soda into a beaker of baking soda. Instead of a light fizzle, it explodes with a KABOOM. This is definitely an overreaction.
You're either part of the problem or part of the (chemical) solution.
Ron is a fly by the seat of his pants kind of guy, which means he has a fly buzzing near his pants.
Stay fly!
The Easter Island statues stand, but have Easter bunny ears and carry easter baskets.
Some years, Easter falls on a warm day. Some years, it falls on a Chile day.
A cadbury egg claps as it watches an Easter performance by a bunch of peeps marshmallows.
A baby gives a wedding toast in this pun on the movie The Brave Little Toaster.
I would watch this movie.
In this pun on slumber party, a politician stands at a lectern in footy pajamas and gives a stump speech about the importance of more naps, better sleep, sweeter dreams, and comfier pjs.
An example of the hard hitting policies we could have if the US expanded from a 2-party system
In this pun on Passover Seder, we see a satyr offering people matzah ball soup.
Next year in Ancient Greece
A woman smells a rat and asks, "Is that Axe Body Spray?"
Fantasizing about days of yore when I could masklessly smell rats that soak themselves in body spray.