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In this pun on C.S. Lewis' book The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, a Lion and a Witch argue about an Ikea wardrobe.
This whole book is just about arguments at IKEA, right?
A computer guy reads the Stephen King novel "IT." It is clear he thought it was called I.T. from Information Technology, and not in fact, a spooky book about a clown named Pennywise.
Nothing is scarier than having to ask people if they tried rebooting their computers.
In this fan fiction on Battlestar Galactica, Lee Adama tells his friend (who is clearly a cylon in nose glasses) that cylons look like people now- they could be any one of us! What a celebration of BSG!
A key scene from my Battlestar Galactica fan fiction
In this pun on Girl with a Pearl Earring by Vermeer, we see a pearl with a girl earring.
I really feel like I captured Vermeer's mastery of chiaroscuro in this one.

Tags: art

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A camp counselor tells a scary story to campers around a fire, but it's not about ghosts. It's about goats.
Do you believe in goats?
Six phases of my health journey - from order a bagel and cream cheese, to whole wheat bagels and light cream cheese, to scooped bagels, to just smelling bagels, to ordering two bagels.
Snapshots from my #healthjourney
Some of the key figures from Magritte's artwork network and shake hands.
Sometimes, networking events are a (sur)real drag.

Tags: art

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In this pun about Jeopardy legend Ken Jennings, we see Chicken Jennings, who is answering Alex Trebek's question with "What is bok bok bok?"
This is the answer to most questions in Chicken Jeopardy. #asininechickenpuns
George Washington insults a guy from Delaware.
Happy Presidents' Day!
A face card from a deck of playing cards holds a briefcase and resume.
I don't know who uses these, I just connect with face cards on LinkedIn.