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In this pun on the movie Blade Runner, we see a knife running.
Based on the book "Do Androids Dream of Electric Knives?"
In this pun on radio waves, we see an old AM/FM radio smiling and waving.
Longing for days when social distancing is over and my radio can give me a KISS (FM 107.5)
In this pun on famed construction piece of equipment - the fork life - we see a buff gym-goer lifting weights, but his weight is just a fork. He is very muscly, and if he got this way from this work out routine, I am going to start trying it.
My exercise routine #bulkup
In this pun on smoked fish (my favorite of which is, of course, lox), we see a woman smoking a fish like someone would smoke a cigarette. Note: Smoking anything is not a great idea, especially a live fish.
Screw the sturgeon general's warning!
In this pun on making a mean tuna melt - a classic sandwich that I wish wasn't so unhealthy - we see a person seducing a tuna fish who, we learn, is generally quite mean but who is currently swooning.
Nothing like seducing a rude fish! #quarantinehobbies
In this pun on baseball term "fowl ball," we see a fowl ball - i.e. a social dance ala Pride and Prejudice where all the dancers are chickens.
Forget baseball, I want to watch chickens social dance. #asininechickenpuns
In this pun on fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk, we see Jack and the Beanstalker. Jack sits on a bench reading a book "So... you think a legume is following you" as a kidney bean who is clearly stalking him watches through binoculars.
I personally don’t mind it when kidney beans become obsessed with me.
In this pun on the Dumas novel The Count of Monte Cristo, we see the count of Monte Cristos - a deli guy counting out five plates of monte cristo sandwiches.
A thrilling tale of hope, justice, vengeance, and clogged arteries
In this pun on New York country destination the Catskills, we see some cat skills (skills that a particular cat has): performing magic, ribbon dancing, baking, basketball, reciting the first 100 digits of pi, sleeping 20 hours a day.
Next time someone tells you they love the Catskills, it is probably just a humble brag that their cat is good at close-up magic.
In this pun on William Faulkner's novel "As I Lay Dying," we see a scene from "As I Lie, Dying," a woman lying, "My hair is naturally blonde!" as she gets her hair dyed.
Scenes from Faulkner’s first draft, before he learned the difference between “lay” and “lie”