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In this pun on Olive Garden and the Garden of Eden, we see the Olive Garden of Eden: Adam and Eve at an Olive Garden. Eve says, "Unlimited breadsticks? This really IS paradise!"
Unfortunately, I think Olive Garden has a “No shirt, no shoes, no service” policy so this could never happen.
In this pun on country singer Dolly Parton, we see a dolly pardon, which is a girl issuing an official pardon to her Raggedy Anne doll. The girl says: "For your loyalty and because you've already suffered greatly, I hereby officially forgive you."
It turns out, spelling is important.
In this pun on the fancy establishment for boat owners, the yacht club, we see a person holding a small bat (a club) to protect her against yacht attacks - aka a yacht club.
Why are people so excited about these?
In this pun on fighting tooth and nail, we see a boxer in the ring in combat with a giant tooth and nail.
I would probably lose this fight.
In this pun on musical Fiddler on the Roof, we see less popular musical, Roofer on the Fiddle, which is just a construction worker standing on a violin.
My favorite song from this musical is “If I Were a Pitch Man.”
In this pun on keeping your hair in a pony tail, we see a person with long hair lying on a pony's back with her hair in its tail.
How I’ve been dealing with my hair during quarantine
In this pun on fly-eating plant the Venus Fly Trap, we see the Venus Fly Trapezoid, which is a flesh-hungry quadrilateral.
From my forthcoming collection, Quadri-bad-eral Puns.
In this play on all the too-little too-late tell-all books about Trump, we see some that might be written about me, covering topics like: how I lie to kids that they'll use geometry when they're older, how many bagels I eat, how un-strong I am
Thankfully, John Bolton initially refused to testify at the hearing of whether or not I should be promoted to the “intermediate beginner” class at the gym.
In this comparison cartoon, we see 5 stages of words that use R, B, and T. 1: Robot. 2: Robot Rowboat (a bot in a boat) 3. the above Reboot (a DVD called Boating Bytes 2) 4.the above Rebate (cash back!) 5. the above Rabbit (a bunny bought with rebate cash
In this comparison cartoon, we see a cactus, a cattus (a cactus standing like a cactus), and a quacktus (a duck standing with its arms in the shape of a cactus).
I think if there were AI built to predict my subject matter that spurted out “sort of close but slightly off” cartoon ideas, this would be its greatest hit.