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In this pun on score board, we see someone who is score bored - they are bored by their companion reading aloud scores from football games and various sporting events.
Dedicated to everyone out there who has accidentally gotten themselves mixed up with someone who loves reading sports stats aloud
In this pun on sports drink Gatorade, we see a gator aide, which is an alligator giving Trump political advice. The gator says, "I think officially moving your residency to Florida is a great idea!"
It’s always a good idea to get political advice from a reptile.
In this pun on the Gabriel Garcia Marquez book "Love in the Time of Cholera," we see love AFTER the time of cholera- which is just two skeletons holding hands lovingly noting that love is much easier now that they don't have sick intestines.
The sequel we all deserve
In this pun on dog walker, we see a dog walking with the assistance of a walker mobility device.
Helping dogs help themselves
In this pun on pina colada, we see a subpoena colada, a sweeter way to trick people into accepting their subpoenas to testify in the Trump impeachment trial.
A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.
In this pun on crosswords, we see cross words, which are just words that are very mad.
Inspired by the feeling I have when I try anything beyond Wednesday in the @nytimes crossword
In this pun on the idea that Rudy Giuliani making terrible career choices, we see the Juuliani, which is of course Rudy endorsing the vape pen Juul.
New idea for how to get people to stop vaping!
In this pun on voting bloc, we see a voting block, which is a block that is voting.
A call to action to all blocks who will be 18 or older by Election Day
In this play on Galapagos Islands being the location where Darwin observed evolution, we see some ghosts who have evolved in different spooky ways on Galapaghost Island.
A new study brought to you by Ghost Darwin
In this pun on mentorship, we see ornamentorship, which is when Christmas tree ornaments mentor each other.
It’s sort of chilly so I guess it’s appropriate to start thinking about Christmas.