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In this pun on attachment issues, we have a therapist diagnosing a client with attachment issues. The patient is, of course, attached to a giant squid.
Yes, going to school to be a therapist has driven me to insanity.
Inspired by movember, we have some other alternatives to November: Sloppy Joe-vember, Vincent van Gogh-vember, Antiques Road Show-vember, and Typo-vember.
For those of you who cannot believe it's November, now you can pretend it's a different month instead!
A woman sidles up next to a jack-o-lantern, and it is clear she's not dating him for his brains, because pumpkins don't have brains.
Yes, I drew this solely based on the asinine premise that jack-o-lanterns are hollow. Happy (pre) Halloween!
In this pun on mum's the word, we see a game show called Flower Feud, and the host asks, "This perennial is the official flower of Chicago." The answer? Mum's the word.
A game show we can all get behind
In this mashup of Benjamin Franklin and Frankenstein, we see a Frankenstein-esque version of Ben Franklin flying a kite.
I know, I know, it’s really Benjamin Franklinstein’s monster.
In this pun on the television show Touched by an Angel, we see a man being poked by a acute angle.
I can’t tell if this is a more or less viable TV show idea than Touched by an Angel.
In this pun on exposure therapy, we see the back of a man in a trench coat as he exposes himself (don't worry, we don't see anything, and neither does anyone else.) He thinks, "Oh, I feel so much better now!"
I’m supposed to be writing 10 pages on evidence based treatments, but hopefully this will suffice.
Time (a guy with a clock as a head) tells his wife he is just popping over to Traders Joe's, but he'll be right back after he runs out.
Don’t forget the peanut butter cups and 2 buck chuck!
In this pun of the changing of the guard, we see a Buckingham Palace guard changing his pants.
A must-see for tourists!
Wee see a squid and a whale talking. The whale says, "Actually, I prefer Moby Richard," a play off the Melville book Moby Dick.
Acquiring a nickname you don’t like isn’t great, even if it doesn’t include the word Dick.