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A woman stands near the press corps and says, "Oh, I'm not a journalist, I'm a journaler."
Oh, the Wall Street Journal isn’t a diary with entries about which bankers are hotties?
We see some hypothetical situations about hippos: If I were a hippo... If my best friend were a hippo... If you gave a hippo a cookie... If a hippo fell in the forest and no one heard...
Hippos: the only subject matter that has me happily struggling to use the subjunctive
In this pun of rock paper scissors, we see paper covers rock! Which is a newspaper which has written an extensive article about a notable rock.
This just in!
Some yoga poses I've mastered, none of which include any difficult twisting of the body (sitting on the mat looking at my toes, standing on the mat awaiting directions, taking a break, and corpse pose)
Not quite at the enlightenment stage
We see a date between a human and a robot, and the human is thinking that sure, this robot doesn't pass the Turing test, but what's so great about being human anyway?
Happy Valentine’s Day to all the robots and robot lovers out there!
In this play on the Dr. Seuss book "Oh, The Places You'll Go!," we see a potentially more realistic take on the places you will, indeed go: The bank, Chipotle, the therapist, and bed.
Yes, Chipotle is 25% of the places you’ll go.
In this play on the asinine moment when Trump claimed he was a stable genius, we see that he actually meant he was a genius stable, as he houses horses underneath him.
That makes a lot more sense.
In this pun on different dances, we see a sink tap dancing (tap dancing), a spool of ribbon dancing (ribbon dancing), and two squares dancing (square dancing).
Dances, explained
In this pun on the song from musical Annie Get Your Gun "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better," we see the letters U and I competing (in quoting Shakespeare, charming a snake, and filing taxes), and I is doing a lot better than U.
So that's what this song is about!
In this pun on the meaning of "pumpkin patch," we see a tough guy biker wearing a leather jacket covered in hard-core patches (like skulls) - but one of the patches is a pumpkin.
Even tough guys like to get in the fall spirit.