
239 Animal Pun Cartoons

All these cartoons are wild (except for the domesticated ones).

In this pun on God complex, we see a cod fish with a cod complex, talking about how great it is because it is a cod.
I’m on a fish kick over here.
In this pun on soul searching, we see a mom and kid at an aquarium looking at the fish, searching for a sole fish.
Who am I? What am I doing with my life? What is that hideous fish? Why do I want to eat it?
In this pun on Stephen Kind's book Pet Semetary,  we see the pet seminary, which is, as you could guess, a seminary for pets.
The scariest part of this movie would be the scene where the cat has a vet appointment during midterm week.
In this pun on cattle call, we see two cows on the phone.
Talking til the cows come home
In this mash up of the Kentucky Derby horse race and roller derby, we see distraught jockeys riding distraught horses who are wearing rollerskates.
I would definitely wear a funny hat and watch this.
In this pun on the TV show The Dog Whisperer, we see a woman whispering to a dog, "Can you keep a secret?"
A much different, but no less enjoyable, tv show premise
In this comparison cartoon, we see the goose that laid the golden egg from Jack and the Beanstalk looking very content, next to the goose that passed the golden kidney stone, who looks quite disturbed.
I feel like excreting a metal isn’t ever a great thing.
In this pun on fish sticks, we see fish schticks - a fish performing its comedy routine at an open mic.
For all the funny fish out there
In this comparison cartoon, we see a dog panting next to a dog wearing pants.
One is a sign of healthy canine functioning, the other is a waste of denim.
In this pun on gym rat, we see a rat at the gym lifting weights.