
35 Sporty Pun Cartoons

Cartoons that are almost as fun as minor league baseball gimmicks!

In this pun on the soccer/futball festivities of the world cup, we see several pieces of dish-ware with the world printed on it - the world cup, the world bowl, the world teapot, the world ramekin.
The World Cup, in context.
In this pun on the ball is in your court, we see a basketball being sworn in by a bailiff before taking the stand in a court of law.
On the next Judge Judy...
In this pun on the cartoon Yogi Bear, we see a bear doing yoga.
More half pigeons, less pic-i-nic baskets
A tall basketball player talks to a courtside reporter and tells him he is really proud of the basket he made, as he holds a handmade whicker basket.
That is to say, if ESPN televised teams of 19-year-olds competitively weaving baskets, I would watch it.
In this pun on basketball upset, we see a sad basketball crying on his bed as he holds his pillow.
It’s nice to see so many people concerned about the feelings of this piece of sports equipment.