
All Cartoons

In this pun on a hen party (what British people called bachelorette parties), we see a candidate (who is a chicken) from the hen party, a political party that supports a free-range future with affordable coops and accessible feed.
A British tradition I clearly don't understand
In this pun on rubber chicken, we see a chicken masseuse massaging a chicken client. The massager says, "Well I prefer to be call a massage therapist. But I guess technically I am a..." -- rubber chicken.
Nothing like a good dry rub to make a chicken better!
In this pun on the classic food chicken strips, we see a chicken strip - a serious chicken posing on a pole holding a bikini top. The chicken isn't wearing anything because, of course, chickens never wear clothes.
Not sure why this is on so many kids’ menus. #asininechickenpuns
In this pun on free spirit, we see a person trying to give a ghost some cash. The ghost refuses, saying, "Actually, I don't charge for my haunting services!" It's a free spirit.
A great no-cost holiday gift idea!
In this pun on the music genre prog rock, we see a progressive rock - a stone with politically progressive views about universal health care and universal basic income.
My favorite genre of music! (Listening to stones wax poetic about Bernie Sanders)
In this comparison cartoon, we see a Barista (a regular coffee shop employee) offering up a hot coffee, a Burrista (the same looking, but offering an iced coffee), and an Aaron Burrista (Burr asking if the customer wants to pay with cash card or duel)
Coffee Shop Personnel, Explained
In this pun on the phrase All is Well, we see a person inspecting the exterior and interior of a wishing well before hammering in a sign in front of it that reads "100% well." Proving, of course, that all is well.
All's well that ends well.
In a pun on banned books, we see BAND books, classic titles mashed up with bands: Little Arcade Fires Everywhere, Sword in the Rolling Stones, Portrait of a Barenaked Lady, Grateful Dead Gatsby, A Goo Goo Doll's House, Picture of Dorian Greenday
So glad state governments are finally promoting these!
In this pun on the amazing healthcare facility, the Mayo Clinic, we see an operating room where surgeons are working on a sandwich. One says, "The bread is critically dry!" and another says, "Pass me the spread, stat!" while a third runs in with mayo.
Forget sandwich artists- it's all about sandwich surgeons!
In this comparison cartoon, we see a sun rise (the sun peaking out into the sky behind a crowing rooster) next to a sun raise (the sun sitting at its boss's desk while the boss congratulations the sun on getting a raise to $18.75/hour!)
The sun is setting so early because it has to go to its second job. $18.75 an hour isn't enough during inflation in this solar system!