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In this pun on flying business class, we see the most enviable boarding group: The None-of-your-business class, made up of flyers who do not want to engage with flight attendance and who will at all costs protect their privacy, identity, and opsec.
The only way to fly!
In this pun on the phrase, "I'm in a jam!" we see someone literally being jellied in a jar a strawberry preserves.
It's a very sticky situation.
In this play on fantasy football, we see several genres of football: Fantasy (an elf with a football fairy), Sci Fi (an astronaut being attacked by U.F.Footballs), Mystery (a detective inspecting a chalk outline of a ball), and Romance.
What is your favorite genre of football?
In this pun on remote therapy/ teletherapy, we see a therapist and her client, who is a remote control. She is saying, "It sounds like they really know how to push your buttons."
A portrait of the artist as a young channel changer
In this pun on breaking world records, we see a kid surrounded by broken music records, pulled out of a box of world music.
The closest I will ever get to being in the Guinness Book of World Records.
In this pun on jumping jacks, we see two jacks (a club and heart from a deck of cards) jumping. This is the greatest form a exercise.
Does playing rummy count as exercise?
In this pun on tax bracket, we see a sports bracket (like a March madness basketball bracket) with different types of taxes (including income, estate, and property) pitted against each other. It is, of course, entitled April Madness.
Forget "nothing but net," this is nothing by net profit margin. #AreYouIntoIt #ImIntuit
In this pun on vicious circle, we see an angry anthropomorphic circle with  sharp teeth who looks ready to attack at any moment.
Happy Pi Day!
In this pun on thoroughbred horse, we see a thorough bread horse, which is a horse who has a very thorough knowledge and collection of breads.
I would bet on this horse (to explain the difference between brioche and challah).
In this math pun on right angle, we see three Jeopardy contests (all angles - acute, right, obtuse). The host asks a question, and the right angle answers correctly. So, it is once again a right angle.
Randie's angling for the win!