
All Cartoons

A software engineer in a CTO shirt is interviewing a snake, presumably about coding languages. The snake is saying, "Actually, Python was my first language!"
Don't worry, I hired a tech consultant and a snake to approve this one.
A regular leaf confronts his leaf friends who, with their piercings, leather vests, tattoos, and studded chokers, look like they have a very different style from the first leaf. The first leaf tells them, "I feel like I don't even know who are anymore."
My favorite season is Fall Out Boy.
An HR rep tells a power drill that unfortunately, he is going to have to fire him.
It's okay, the drill didn't find that desk job very fulfilling anyway.
Inspired by potential business synergy, a woman introduces two anthropomorphic dots, who shake hands to indicate that they are pleased to network.
Even dots love a good networking opportunity!
Two rocks hold hands and skip
Skip stones, not school!
It's an allosaurus next to nothing, which, in dinosaur terminology, would be a nothingosaurus.
Studies show that the allosaurus actually evolved into the nothingosaurus. #extinction
First, we see a drawing of a plum tomato. Next to it is a drawing of a plumber tomato, which is, of course, a tomato in overalls with a mustache and a wrench, ready to fix a leak.
Comparative adjectives, explained
A sailboat coasts along the ocean waves, which, as they ebb and flow, also offer such thoughts as "I'm willing to hear your thoughts on it!" "I'm glad I can be honest about my feelings with you!" and "Sure, let's try something new!"
Many more adventures lie here than in the emotionally-stunted sea.
In this accounting pun, an accountant sheep reads a child a bedtime story from the 2021 accounting ledger. The sheep is in the middle of a thrilling tale, as she reads "But the transaction wasn't an asset... it was a liability!"
My favorite bedtime story is Goldilocks and the Three Balance Sheets.
A guardin' party is clearly a party of guards doing what the do best - guarding. This particular party has a Buckingham Palace guard, some security guards, and a bouncer.
A fun summer activity to do with all your friends!