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A crash test dummy next to a person acing a test on the physics of inelastic collisions.
A crash course in. crash courses
A navigational compass suggests, "We must do the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people!"
A very utilitarian piece of equipment
In this pun of the Knights of the Round Table, we see Sir Iron, with magnets stuck to his armor; Sir Potassium, donning the emblem of the potassium-rich banana; Sir Neon, who glows bright with neon light; and Sir Helium, who holds balloons.
Only some of these knights are noble.
In this pun of Tik Tok, two ticks host an NPR show about healthy and fun ways to cook with blood at your next dinner party.
Ok, I get why the kids love this.
A hamburger, fries, and a soda on the roof of a house
I wish more of my dining experiences included this.
Two anthropomorphic hands run across a finish line at the same time.
I’m so sorry, I’d love to help, but my hands are running a 5K.
Two people have come across a giant apple. The second person, in an "I Heart NYC" shirt is shocked, while the first person says, "What made you think I was taking you to New York City? I told you we were going to the Big Apple!"
Don't worry, the cost of living in an actual apple is fairly affordable.
A man at a bar tries to pick up three women. Unfortunately, the women are all sticks.
Did it hurt... when you fell off a tree?
Three blood cells try to use peer pressure on a fellow blood cell. The leader leads by saying, "C'mon! Coagulate! Everybody's doing it!"
I don’t do it anymore, but back in high school, I coagulated, like, all the time.
A box fan writes a letter to his friend, who is a ceiling fan.
The highest form of praise is to get a letter from a box fan.