
All Cartoons

A hamburger, fries, and a soda on the roof of a house
I wish more of my dining experiences included this.
Two anthropomorphic hands run across a finish line at the same time.
I’m so sorry, I’d love to help, but my hands are running a 5K.
Two people have come across a giant apple. The second person, in an "I Heart NYC" shirt is shocked, while the first person says, "What made you think I was taking you to New York City? I told you we were going to the Big Apple!"
Don't worry, the cost of living in an actual apple is fairly affordable.
A man at a bar tries to pick up three women. Unfortunately, the women are all sticks.
Did it hurt... when you fell off a tree?
Three blood cells try to use peer pressure on a fellow blood cell. The leader leads by saying, "C'mon! Coagulate! Everybody's doing it!"
I don’t do it anymore, but back in high school, I coagulated, like, all the time.
A box fan writes a letter to his friend, who is a ceiling fan.
The highest form of praise is to get a letter from a box fan.
At Al's Wine and Spirits store, he sells wine and spirits, but the spirits are not liquor - they are ghosts.
Now i get why people tell me they are haunted by the cocktails I've made them.
In this pun, the raving lunatic is, in fact, a raven, who is saying , "I've bought a house on the moon, and NASA has hired me as a bowling ball!"
In non-related news, my dream job is to be a bowling ball.
A figure 8 knot holds the hand of someone who has clearly just ended their relationship, and the knot says, "I will always remember you."
Knot a situation I'd want to be in
In this pun on fairy tales, two ferry boats share a moment on the sea. One says to the other, "I found your glass skipper!"
These kinds of love stories really tug(boat) at the heart!