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In this pun on scapegoat, a goat uses landscaping clippers to trim a topiary.
To be fair, this goat SHOULD be blamed for how tacky this topiary is.
In this pun on the cat's pajamas, we see a smiling cat wearing pajamas with fish pattern.
The roaring twenties must have been a weird time if they thought this was the epitome of greatness.
A robot celebrates her bat mitzvah in the Jewish coming of age ceremony where girl bots become womandroids. L'Chaim!
When a girl becomes a womandroid
In this comparison cartoon, we see a pure bred shih tzu next to pure bread - a.k.a. a loaf of bread
Public service announcement
A wave pool is a pool full of waving people! There a waving life guard, a waving person in a floatie, a waving scuba diver.
There's nothing like catching some big waves.
A man wears a coat made of arms. It is just as gross as it sounds.
I knew I would regret drawing this the minute I had this idea, and, well, here we are.
Some lemons revel at the bar while a lemon bartender serves drinks.
My favorite kind of bar!
In this pun on the baseball term home run, a house runs.
Thus concludes my knowledge about sports. Now, I just wait for ESPN to offer me a job as a baseball commentator.
In this pun on bureaucrat, a rat does paperwork as his part of bureaucracy.
These are a few of my favorite things! (Paperwork and rats)
In this pun on chemical reactions, a scientist pours baking soda into a beaker of baking soda. Instead of a light fizzle, it explodes with a KABOOM. This is definitely an overreaction.
You're either part of the problem or part of the (chemical) solution.