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In this pun on Chick Lit, we see 6 classics of literature rewritten with chicken puns - Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men),Heminway's Old Man and the Sea, Melville's Moby Dick, Burgess' A Clockwork Orange, Faulkner's As I Lay Dying, & Twain's Huckleberry Finn
Celebrating 700 cartoons the only way I know how... with #asininechickenpuns
In this pun on cold war, two very bundled up people compete about who is colder. One can't feel their toes. the other says they are so cold they forgot they had feet.
The battle for who is colder continues.
In this pun on work study, a person reads the instructional manual "Gyrating for Dummies" and twerks.
A great way to fund your education in the works of Shake-speare
In this pun on dumbbells, we see a strong man at the gym lift two bells, which are saying quite dumb things (like the earth is flat, and the internet is made of crystals).
From this week's episode of "Katie's misconceptions about fitness"...
In this pun on pantheon, we see the gods and goddesses of various types of pans - the god of nonstick, the god of cast iron, and the goddess of woks.
I sing of arms and a pan!
In this pun on telling time, a clock confronts a girl, asking "Why did you want to meet? Is there something you'd like to say to me?" The girl has something she wants to say but, clearly, she is having trouble telling time.
I'll just send a text.
In this pun on Shakespeare's famous line from Julius Caesar (Et tu, Brute?), we see Caesar and Brutus at a vending machine, where Brutus betrays the diet he and Caesar agreed to by pushing A2 (an unhealthy snack).
Beware the pies of March!
In this pun on bald eagle, we see an eagle trying on wigs at a wig shop.
In this pun on catapult, we see a catapult that is about to propel a very scared cat into the air.
Don't worry, the cat will land safely on her feet, and probably use them to crawl all over her owner in the middle of the night. #subtlecriesforhelp
In this pun on the magic mirror from fairy tale Snow White, we see a different kind of magic mirror - a mirror who is a magician! This is tough because the cards he's hiding in his hand are unfortunately reflected in him.
Mirror mirror on the wall, how'd you know my card was the 8 of diamonds?