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In this pun on psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, we see Pigmund Freud, a pig therapist with his pig patient on the couch. Pigmund says to his client, "You are in love with your sow."
Thank goodness, we have survived #pigsinscience week.
In this pun on scientific method developer Francis Bacon, we see Francis Bacon (emphasis on bacon) as a pig.
Developed the scientific method, presumably in between rolling around in the mud and foraging for truffles #pigsinscience
In this pun on physicist Stephen Hawking, we see Stephen Hogking, a pig version of the famous scientist, presenting on his book: "A Brief History of Swine: From the Pig Bang to Watering Holes."
This one had me lamenting the fact that I hadn’t committed to “Birds of Prey in Science.” #pigsinscience
In this pun on Albert Einstein, we see Albert Swinestein, which is a pig version of the famous scientist.
#pigsinscience week continues!
In this pun on Danish physicist Niels Bohr, we see Niels Boar, a scientist who also happens to be a wild pig.
For whatever reason, this week, I am presenting a series about pig scientists. I apologize in advance. #pigsinscience
In this pun on the phrase "I know how to get his goat," we see a man and his goat. The goat is talking to a second person who seems much more empathetic, and he says, "Thanks for listening. I feel like you really understand me."
All those classes on therapeutic engagement were worth it! #thankssocialworkschool
In this pun on peer pressure, we see pier pressure - the Santa Monica pier (complete with amusement park rides) looks you in the eyes and says, "Everyone's doing it."
Don’t let beachside platforms influence you into being anyone other than you #staytruetoyourself
In this pun on Olive Garden and the Garden of Eden, we see the Olive Garden of Eden: Adam and Eve at an Olive Garden. Eve says, "Unlimited breadsticks? This really IS paradise!"
Unfortunately, I think Olive Garden has a “No shirt, no shoes, no service” policy so this could never happen.
In this pun on country singer Dolly Parton, we see a dolly pardon, which is a girl issuing an official pardon to her Raggedy Anne doll. The girl says: "For your loyalty and because you've already suffered greatly, I hereby officially forgive you."
It turns out, spelling is important.
In this pun on the fancy establishment for boat owners, the yacht club, we see a person holding a small bat (a club) to protect her against yacht attacks - aka a yacht club.
Why are people so excited about these?