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In this pun on hunter-gatherers, we see a gatherer who has gathered hunters.
Hunter-gatherers are people who gather hunters, right?
In this pun on evil spirits, instead of seeing sinister ghosts, we see three evil bottles of liquor. One say suggests robbing a bank and slapping everyone, another suggests standing someone up at prom, and the third, potentially most evil, suggests giving everyone a bad haircut.
Only the darkest of magic could conjure up a tequila that is sinister enough to give you a bad haircut.
In this pun on eye test, we see someone looking at pictures of different body parts. They are asked to identify which are eyes.
I would probably fail this version of the eye test too. (In other news, it seems like I only draw optometrist-centric cartoons now!)
In this pun on the eyeball goal of seeing 20/20, we see a 2020 vision, i.e. a psychic having a psychic vision, saying "I see... a cruise ship with nowhere to go... and masks... and people applauding from their roofs at 6pm..." It is, of course, a vision from the year 2020.
Unfortunately, the only eye doctor my insurance covers is a psychic who only sees into the past.
In this pun on a bad optometrist, we see an eye doctor asking a patient to read the board in front of her. "Can you see any 5-star reviews?" he asks. "No," she says. He's a floptometrist.
Wishing everyone good optometrist luck in 2024! (Or thrillingly fulfilling post-2023 optometrist revenge if that's what you need in your life right now!)
In this pun on the biblical idea of the number of the beast, we see a beast with a deli number (32) at a deli counter. The deli guy calls 32 - the number of the beast.
I haven't read Revelations, but I assume it's about waiting to be called to the deli counter.
In this comparison cartoon, we see a safety pin, next to a "danger" pin. A danger pin is, of course, a pin with a mohawk and a skull and crossbones bandana who says, "Let's ride our bikes without helmets and juggle some chainsaws!"
Pins, explained.
In this pun on the phrase "shallow grave," we see a grave stone that reads "RIP your sense of style" batting her heavily made-up eyelashes saying, "Did you see the newest episode of the Kardashians? Kim's makeup was cray. She could use some tips from me."
There's nothing sppokier than a grave stone criticizing your fashion sense.
In this pun on shooting stars, we see two stars (from the sky) shooting a movie.
Don't worry, they're shooting for a non-struck production! None of my cartoons cross the picket line.
In this pun on "Back in the Saddle," we see someone riding a horse with their back in the saddle. Obviously, this is not the safest way to do this, but she doesn't know any better.
Finally, a sport you can do lying down!