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The three less-wise men, in contrast with the three wise men who brought baby Jesus gold, frankincense, and myrrh, describe their thought processes - one refuses to ask the stars for directions, one wears uncomfortable shoes, one brings a bowling ball.
Merry Christmas to everyone, regardless of the level of wisdom you possess!
Santa tells Rudolph that he is being replaced by a high-power flashlight.
Rudolph was happy that, for the first time in his life, he would actually have Christmas Eve off.
A professor points to a diagrammed sentence, which features a grammatical clause about Santa.
All I want for Christmas is to find some use for all the grammar facts taking up precious real estate in my brain.
A trio of angels, all named Harold, kvetch.
This is what I imagine all Harolds have on their minds (before and after death).
This pun on the Christmas ballet The Nutcracker, we have a cracker screaming about conspiracy theories he believes.
Would I watch this ballet? Probably.
Rudolph plays in a reindeer game. Unfortunately, it is incredibly boring.
He was relieved that at least they weren't playing Uno.
In this pun on stool samples, we see a sampling of bar stools.
I apologize for this.
In this pun on waste of time, we see a curvy clock with a pronounced waist.
Celebrating the curves of time and space
Some (first) impeachment of Trump themed holiday cards.
Actually these were just some of my rejected holiday card ideas.
In this pun on Cinderella, a prince looks at an elephant-sized glass slipper and wonders who it belongs to, as a line of women, including one elephant, stands behind him.
Inspired by all the times I've unwittingly fallen in love with an elephant.