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In this pun on the new year's resolution to exercise more, we see someone exorcising more by performing an exorcism on a possessed girl. (Don't worry, it all worked out!)
Taking inventory of my yearly goals
In this pun on fly fishing, we see a fisherman in a boat with a fishing rod, fishing for flies.
Now I am just imagining The Old Man and the Sea but with a fly instead of a fish. #gooduseoftime
In this pun on hipster, we see a chocolate chipster, which is a very hip chocolate chip cookie in a PBR trucker hat and ironic mustache saying, "I live in a slice-n-bake can ironically."
As I redrew this cartoon from days of yore, I realized I long not for the past, but for cookies.
The three less-wise men, in contrast with the three wise men who brought baby Jesus gold, frankincense, and myrrh, describe their thought processes - one refuses to ask the stars for directions, one wears uncomfortable shoes, one brings a bowling ball.
Merry Christmas to everyone, regardless of the level of wisdom you possess!
Santa tells Rudolph that he is being replaced by a high-power flashlight.
Rudolph was happy that, for the first time in his life, he would actually have Christmas Eve off.
A professor points to a diagrammed sentence, which features a grammatical clause about Santa.
All I want for Christmas is to find some use for all the grammar facts taking up precious real estate in my brain.
A trio of angels, all named Harold, kvetch.
This is what I imagine all Harolds have on their minds (before and after death).
This pun on the Christmas ballet The Nutcracker, we have a cracker screaming about conspiracy theories he believes.
Would I watch this ballet? Probably.
Rudolph plays in a reindeer game. Unfortunately, it is incredibly boring.
He was relieved that at least they weren't playing Uno.
In this pun on stool samples, we see a sampling of bar stools.
I apologize for this.