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In this pun on wrist watch, we see person performing excellent surveillance through high-tech binoculars on another person's wrist.
Swatch in the era of surveillance! (Which sounds like a terrible sequel to Love in the Time of Cholera)
In this pun on the idiom "It's a piece of cake," we have it, which is, of course, just a picture of a piece of cake (it's carrot cake.)
No soggy bottoms here
In this pun on the idiom "It's a dog eat dog world," we see a dog eating a 'dog (a hotdog, that is.)
Don’t worry, this hot dog doesn’t actually contain dog meat. Just horse meat (JK! It’s not from IKEA! #toosoon)
In this pun on chicken coop, we see a chicken shopping in a grocery store. The chicken employee tells him, "It's actually pronounced co-op."
Save me from myself. #🐓
In this comparison cartoon, we see a basketball roster- a team of players ready to compete in their sport - next to a basketball rooster, which is, of course, a rooster who plays basketball.
Inspired by a simpler time when I consistently misread “roster” as “rooster”(and dedicated to my favorite b-ball team of all time, the D3 Chicago women’s team from the ‘06-‘07 season) #🐓
In this pun on poltergeist, we see a woman being haunted by some chicken ghosts (aka poultrygeist) and some spooky egg spirts.
Nothing is scarier than... the fact that I won’t stop drawing asinine chicken puns on the weekends! #🐓
In this pun on the Jewish life cycle event Bat Mitzvah, we see a bat finally becoming a woman while holding a Torah and wearing a yarmulke.
Some bats have rabies, some bats have rabbis.
In this pun on the Backstreet Boys' classic song Quit Playing Games with My Heart, we see someone playing chess with a heart who seems to be doing much better than the person.
Finally starting to understand the incredible depth of Backstreet Boys lyrics
In this pun on the gene pool. we see some strands of DNA hanging out and swimming in an above-ground pool.
A pool one should definitely not pee in (note: I feel all pools should remain urine-free)
In this pun on the Erie Canal, we see an eerie canal, which is a very spooky canal surrounded by scary trees, ghosts, and skeletons, and upon which the grim reaper rides down on a boat.
I’ve got a ghost and her name is Sal/Fifteen miles on the Eerie Canal