
All Cartoons

In this pun on the ginger bread man, we see a red-head selling bread - a ginger bread man!
Run, run as fast as you can [after eating a loaf of sourdough and 4 bagels]
In this play on the news item from December 2018 that Maria Butina was accused of being a Russian agent, we see that she was actually accused of being a travel agent.
I assume this is the kind of agent they were talking about.
In this pun on ego psychology, we see eggo psychology, which is a therapist doing therapy with an eggo waffle.
A great therapeutic framework for those who are constantly waffling
In this pun on the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare, we see a tortoise checking out her hair in the mirror.
Forget slow and steady, it’s all about glamour.
In this pun on navy seal, we see a seal who is colored in navy blue.
The most elite ball-balancers
In this pun on camouflage, we see camelflauge, which is of course a camel in cam colors.
Wait, where did that dang camel go?
In this pun on werewolf, we see the unawarewolf, a woman who turns into a wolf but is completely oblivious to the change.
If I had to be a monster, I’d probably pick this.
We see some chickens living in pax (peace)
Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with poultry.
We see a stalk in a stocking stalking chicken stock.
For those of us with whom “Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo” does not resonate. #celebrityhomonym
We see the (ex) bride of Frankenstein with her new beau, Dracula, running into her ex, Frankenstein. Pretty awkward.
An important PSA as to why we should never name anyone “The Bride of _____.”