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In this pun on network gnus, we see a gnu (wildebeest) interviewing another gnu about his take on the grazing festivities.
Things I learned while drawing this cartoon: gnus are the same as wildebeests, and wildebeest isn’t spelled “wildebeast!” #themoreyouknow
A misguided couple invited their neighbors, the Johnsons, to a BBQ where they are grilling burgers. Unfortunately, the Johnsons are cows.
4th of July is best celebrated with inclusivity and hopefully not eating close relatives of your guests.
In this pun on animal testing, we see three animals - a rabbit, a moose, and an octopus -- sitting in desks taking tests.
It's terrible how some companies force animals to write essays about Joyce without any advance warning.
In this pun on the soccer/futball festivities of the world cup, we see several pieces of dish-ware with the world printed on it - the world cup, the world bowl, the world teapot, the world ramekin.
The World Cup, in context.
We see a five dollar bill talking about its excitement over a new brand of laundry detergent.
Last week, I got trapped in conversation with a One that would not stop rambling about the intricacies of tax law.
In this pun on the ball is in your court, we see a basketball being sworn in by a bailiff before taking the stand in a court of law.
On the next Judge Judy...
In this pun on the phrase "Bear with me," you see me, with a bear., in a friendly embrace.
A real life depiction of my life in nature
In this combination of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, we see Elizabeth Bennet and Raskolnikov faces with each other - she thinking "Should I marry him?" and he "Should I kill her with my axe?"
I'm sure I have mistakenly claimed that I "read and loved" this one.
In this comparison cartoon, we see Jurassic Park, where a scary dinosaur attacks a person, next to thoracic park, where scary back pain attacks a person.
Both equally scary in different ways
Two parrots make small talk, but of course, all they are asking each other is if Polly wanna cracker.
How I imagine every parrot conversation goes