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In this pun on being nosy, we see a guy who is nosey, meaning he has quite a big nose.
The abilities to get great gossip and smell an everything bagel from a mile away are both enviable.
We see two people who claim to play the keys. A man playing the keyboard next to a woman who jangles a bunch of house keys.
Needless to say, I was very confused the first time I heard the keyboard referred to as “the keys.”
Famed economist Adam Smith high fives absolutely no one, which is what he may have described as the invisible hand.
Is the invisible hand the equivalent to an imaginary friend, but for adult economists?
We see a child at the pediatrician, which can be scary in and of itself. However, this pediatrician also happens to be a centipede.
Pun based nightmares (both groan AND scream eliciting!)
In this pun on Theseus and the Minotaur, we see Greek soldier Theseus stand before a quite benign Minnowtaur, which is a monster that is mostly a small minnow.
I’d be fine getting lost in this maze.
Two sheep make small talk at a bar. One asks the other, "So.. uh... have you any wool?" This is a reference to the nursery rhyme Ba Ba Black Sheep.
Followed by an extensive discussion about the commute from one side of the field to the other
In this pun on manspreading, we see a man spreading... cream cheese on a bagel.
The vernacular, explained
In this pun on yogurt culture, we see the epitome of culture - the opera- starring a yogurt container.
Nothing is more high brow than an aria sung by a breakfast food!
In this pun on dueling banjos, we see two banjos, swords drawn, ready to duel.
The scariest part of Deliverance (when the banjos pull out their foils and yell “en garde!”)
In this pun on sugar daddy, we see a box of domino sugar, who is also a dad, push his baby in a stroller.
One for the vision board.