
All Cartoons

We see a pterodactyl spelling "Terrific" with a silence p in front. I assume all dinosaurs use their names to inform all their spelling decisions.
I’d probably do pterribly.
In this pun on speech therapy, we see a copy of the Gettysburg Address - Lincoln's famous speech - talk to his therapist.
Yes, you too could undergo years of training to ask provocative questions to a piece of paper.
In this pun on the phrase "my mind is playing tricks on me," a brain hides under the table and ties a person's shoelaces together. If that's not a good trick, I don't know what is!
This is better than the time my mind put a whoopie cushion on my seat.
In this comparison cartoon, we see a hippogriff next two a hippo grifter, a hippo trying to lure you into his multi-level marketing plan.
A subtle distinction
We see some Paw Patrol characters that didn't make the cut: Sugar the Poodle barista, Iris the shih tzu CPA, Red. the Bloodhound phlebotomist, and P.H. Dee Dee, the pug perpetual grad student.
Though I would definitely watch this version of Paw Patrol
Two reptiles (seemingly alligators) are on a date, and one tells the other, "Ronald, there's something I need to tell you... I'm a crocodile." Ronald realizes that even HE, an alligator, doesn't know the difference between a crocodile and an alligator.
Alligators are from Mars, crocodiles are from Venus.
In this pun on the cartoon Yogi Bear, we see a bear doing yoga.
More half pigeons, less pic-i-nic baskets
In this pun on Socrates and Plato, we see a toga-clad Socrates plays with playdough.
“Someday,” thought Socrates, as he molded a pinch pot he would proudly display to his mom before mushing it into the carpet, causing her to spend 3 hours cleaning it up, “our partnership will be part of history books.”
Some kids play on a yard stick and a grumpy old man yells at them to get off his yard!
Kids love playing on measuring tools!
'Twas nowhere near the night before Christmas, so all the mice are sitting at their mixing bowls and stirring.
It finally feels like spring, so obviously the only thing I can think of is Christmas.