
239 Animal Pun Cartoons

All these cartoons are wild (except for the domesticated ones).

In this pun on the phrase "I have crabs," we see someone who is thrilled to have gotten crabs - of course, they are adorable pet hermit crabs.
Dedicated to the numerous ghosts of hermit crab pets past
In this pun on the golden retriever basketball movie Air Bud, we see Heir bud, which is a young pup prince and his king dog dad, who tell him, "This will all be yours someday."
Can’t wait to stream this on Disney Plus
In this pun on dog walker, we see a dog walking with the assistance of a walker mobility device.
Helping dogs help themselves
In this pun on Paul Bunyon's companion Babe the Big Blue Ox, we see Babe the Big Blue Oxford Comma Enthusiast, a blue ox schooling Paul on the thrills of grammar.
He’s big, he’s blue, and he’s ready to go on an hour-long rant about grammar at a moment’s notice.
In this comparison cartoon, we see "Swine Flies" (a pig flying) next to "Swine Flu" (a sick person on a couch)
An exploration of conjugations
In this pun on fairy godmother, we see a Dairy Godmother, which is a cow that gives you the power to eat ice cream without feeling sick until the stroke of midnight.
Bibbidi boppidi moo.
In this pun on the rat race, we see some rats running a race!
It’s exhausting! It’s never ending! And it’s only a 5k!
In this pun on parking spot, we see Spot, a dog, parking a dog next to a very complicated parking sign.
See Spot delicately navigate and possibly misinterpret the complicated LA parking signs. Park, Spot, park!
In this pun on the Terminator, we see the Roosterminator, which is just a terminator that is also a rooster.
I’ll be bock bock bock.
In this pun on bull fighting, we see two bulls in an argument - one blames the other saying "This is all YOUR fault!" The other fumes.
A thrilling spectator sport