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In this pun on stock photo, we see a photographer taking a stalk photo - which is a photograph of a corn stalk.
Not sure if this is more or less marketable than photos of women laughing with salad.
In this pun on the food poached chicken, we see a chicken employee of the AT&T cell phone store getting poached by a Verizon recruiter (also a chicken) who is offering $18/hour pay AND health insurance.
Obviously I’m trying to get a sponsorship from the Big Chicken lobby.
In this pun on the delicious Jamaican food dish jerk chicken, we see a mean chicken with an "I'm with stupid" shirt being a real jerk to another chicken. The jerk points and laughs at the other and says, "Do you need a license to be that ugly?"
Apparently all I care about now is chicken puns.
In this pun on wrist watch, we see person performing excellent surveillance through high-tech binoculars on another person's wrist.
Swatch in the era of surveillance! (Which sounds like a terrible sequel to Love in the Time of Cholera)
In this pun on the idiom "It's a piece of cake," we have it, which is, of course, just a picture of a piece of cake (it's carrot cake.)
No soggy bottoms here
In this pun on the idiom "It's a dog eat dog world," we see a dog eating a 'dog (a hotdog, that is.)
Don’t worry, this hot dog doesn’t actually contain dog meat. Just horse meat (JK! It’s not from IKEA! #toosoon)
In this pun on chicken coop, we see a chicken shopping in a grocery store. The chicken employee tells him, "It's actually pronounced co-op."
Save me from myself. #🐓
In this comparison cartoon, we see a basketball roster- a team of players ready to compete in their sport - next to a basketball rooster, which is, of course, a rooster who plays basketball.
Inspired by a simpler time when I consistently misread “roster” as “rooster”(and dedicated to my favorite b-ball team of all time, the D3 Chicago women’s team from the ‘06-‘07 season) #🐓
In this pun on poltergeist, we see a woman being haunted by some chicken ghosts (aka poultrygeist) and some spooky egg spirts.
Nothing is scarier than... the fact that I won’t stop drawing asinine chicken puns on the weekends! #🐓
In this pun on the Jewish life cycle event Bat Mitzvah, we see a bat finally becoming a woman while holding a Torah and wearing a yarmulke.
Some bats have rabies, some bats have rabbis.