
All Cartoons

In this play on Galapagos Islands being the location where Darwin observed evolution, we see some ghosts who have evolved in different spooky ways on Galapaghost Island.
A new study brought to you by Ghost Darwin
In this pun on mentorship, we see ornamentorship, which is when Christmas tree ornaments mentor each other.
It’s sort of chilly so I guess it’s appropriate to start thinking about Christmas.
In this pun on the sports term wild card, we see a playing card of a queen who is wild! She wears a YOLO hat, sunglasses, and too many animal prints.
Not sure what this has to do with sports
In this pun on Paul Bunyon's companion Babe the Big Blue Ox, we see Babe the Big Blue Oxford Comma Enthusiast, a blue ox schooling Paul on the thrills of grammar.
He’s big, he’s blue, and he’s ready to go on an hour-long rant about grammar at a moment’s notice.
In this pun on male pattern baldness, we see four guys going bald in different patterns - swirl, checkered, chevron, and polka dots.
Chevron runs in my family.
In this pun a swingin' singles, we see two singles (one dollar bills) swinging on a swing set.
Another example of blatant disregard for the norms of perspective drawing!
In this comparison cartoon, we see "Swine Flies" (a pig flying) next to "Swine Flu" (a sick person on a couch)
An exploration of conjugations
In this pun on fairy godmother, we see a Dairy Godmother, which is a cow that gives you the power to eat ice cream without feeling sick until the stroke of midnight.
Bibbidi boppidi moo.
In this comparison cartoon, we see sky scrapers next to sky neosporin (presumably to clean up all the sky boo-boos that the scrapers scrape.)
Not sure why the NYTimes isn’t covering the breaking news that, with the increase in skyscrapers, there’s been an unprecedented number of sky boo-boos.
In this pun on classic bad guy weapon, The Freeze Ray, we see the frieze ray, a weapon that creates beautiful sculpted decoration.
The most dangerous of all comic book bad guy weapons!